I actively participate in initiatives that support these values. As a devoted member of the Graduate Students Mentoring Undergraduates Program (GSMU) and the Multicultural Academic Council (MAC) Mentoring Program since 2021, I have mentored over 20 undergraduate and graduate students. My focus has been on supporting female students in their academic journeys. Additionally, I have contributed to outreach programs fostering diversity and inclusion by organizing workshops and demonstrations for Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) in 2022 and 2023. I also mentored undergraduate students in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2022. I conducted workshops designed explicitly for schoolteachers as part of the Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program in 2021.
Catalyst Academy 2023
In 2023, I volunteered for Cornell's Catalyst Academy program. This is a one-week residential program designed for high school juniors and seniors who want to learn about engineering in a real college setting. During the program, I taught over 54 students about soft robotics and even built a gripper prototype to help them understand how soft robots can be used in agriculture.
Expanding Your Horizon (EYH)
I have organized two workshops for EYH 2022 and EYH 2023. In 2022, I presented a whole-day workshop on "Soft Robotics Race to the Finish." The workshop focused on molding and 3D printing of soft robots, followed by testing with various objects. In 2023, I presented a demonstration table, showing students how to control and use them in different unstructured scenarios.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
In year 2022 summer, I mentored a REU stduent Amick Sollenberger over the summer sposred by Boyce Thomson Instiute (BTI) and CROPPS. The student worked on worm-inspired and presnted a poster.
Research Experience for Teachers (RET)
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Graduate Students Mentoring Undergraduates (GSMU)
I have been a participant in the GSMU program since 2021. During my time in the program, I have served as a mentor to multiple undergraduate students, providing guidance on course selection, stress management, time management, and potential research opportunities. Additionally, I have offered feedback on their internship and graduate school applications. Alongside my colleagues, we compiled a comprehensive list of available internship and graduate school application opportunities.
Multicultural Academic Council(MAC)
I participated in the MAC program for 2021-2022. As a mentor, I guided graduate students on work-life balance, lab selection, and research topics.